The project aims at creating new products and services using innovative LNG-related technologies.
Its unique character offers an opportunity to unlock a new market for (bio-)LNG technology (products and services) addressing so far untapped target groups.
Pilot investments




Liquid Energy
Conference 2022
Micro- and Nanoscale
(bio-) LNG Market –
Challenges and Opportunities
Project description
The Liquid Energy project addresses still untapped potential of using (bio-)LNG as an alternative energy source. The project’s focus on micro/nano-scale technological solutions requires cooperation on the cross-border level to bridge players on the market being in the initial development phase.
The Liquid Energy project addresses still untapped potential of using (bio-)LNG as an alternative energy source. The project’s focus on micro/nano-scale technological solutions requires cooperation on the cross-border level to bridge players on the market being in the initial development phase. As every new market, the one, addressed by the project is characterised by low level of knowledge about relevant actors, products and services and a lack of market critical mass of stakeholders on the national / regional level.
As a consequence, joining existing resources, knowledge and relevant actors on cross-border level (as a common and more coherent region than whole EU) can significantly contribute to the creation of critical mass and unlocking (especially) business cooperation in this technological area. Additionally, low number of organisations dealing with (bio-)LNG technological solutions calls for joining resources within the South Baltic partnerships to speed-up necessary development processes, especially cooperation between business and science to compete on the global level on the new market, addressed by the project.
Project description
The Liquid Energy project addresses still untapped potential of using (bio-)LNG as an alternative energy source. The project’s focus on micro/nano-scale technological solutions requires cooperation on the cross-border level to bridge players on the market being in the initial development phase.
The Liquid Energy project addresses still untapped potential of using (bio-)LNG as an alternative energy source. The project’s focus on micro/nano-scale technological solutions requires cooperation on the cross-border level to bridge players on the market being in the initial development phase. As every new market, the one, addressed by the project is characterised by low level of knowledge about relevant actors, products and services and a lack of market critical mass of stakeholders on the national / regional level.
As a consequence, joining existing resources, knowledge and relevant actors on cross-border level (as a common and more coherent region than whole EU) can significantly contribute to the creation of critical mass and unlocking (especially) business cooperation in this technological area. Additionally, low number of organisations dealing with (bio-)LNG technological solutions calls for joining resources within the South Baltic partnerships to speed-up necessary development processes, especially cooperation between business and science to compete on the global level on the new market, addressed by the project.

The most important goal of the project is a contribution to solving technical problems and popularisation of a decentralized (regional) energy conversion with simultaneous local consumption including transport of alternative fuel.
In response to the identified challenges, the project carries out joint capacity-building, pilot demonstration and advocacy actions in order to achieve a change and unlock a potential for (especially) technology, products and services suppliers to make alternative energy sources in the SB area popular and therefore make the use of energy more sustainable and more adjusted to users’ needs. The most important goal of the project is a contribution to solving technical problems and popularisation of a decentralized (regional) energy conversion with simultaneous local consumption including transport of alternative fuel. The micro / nano scale use of the technological solutions in energy supply is a new approach to the applicability of (bio-)LNG with the much wider potential than relatively centralised big-scale investments systems. As a market in the initial phase it is characterised by low knowledge level by potential end-users and requires dissemination and demonstration activities to raise awareness of the target groups and thus, untapped its capitalisation potential for the SB companies. Therefore the WP2, WP3 and WP4 activities build one on the other and are directly linked either by using the produced outcomes for next project implementation steps or work simultaneously to achieve planned results.
Thus, WP3 works with the demand side to better understand the current and future user needs in the context of sustainable (Bio-)LNG based energy supply for micro/nano solutions in a decentralised way. It will: (1) accumulate good practice how to make the use of (bio-)LNG technology attractive to policies and users; (2) gather stakeholders in the partner areas and help them agree on sustainable paths for the (bio-)LNG based systems, (3) collect target groups needs, and (4) work out a catalogue of solutions matching user expectations for sustainable and high quality products and services implementing (bio-)LNG based energy supply systems. WP3 delivers necessary input to activities within WP4. WP4 deals with the supply side and designs/tests steering tools and operational models for (bio-)LNG based energy supply systems in the micro/nano-scale. Based on benchmarked performance qualities of the current solutions in the partner areas, 4 interlinked and jointly developed by the PPs pilot cases (2 in PL, 1 in DE and 1 in LT) will attempt to develop/enhance the regional and cross-border products and services based on the micro/nano (bio-)LNG based solutions. They will be accompanied by a set of training and raising awareness actions addressed to the project target groups. The cases will be summed up to help replicate – in the whole SB area – measures to enhance the compatibility/integration of existing /new technical solutions across the borders and provide an attractive alternative to polluting and still used technology.
The most important goal of the project is a contribution to solving technical problems and popularisation of a decentralized (regional) energy conversion with simultaneous local consumption including transport of alternative fuel.
In response to the identified challenges, the project carries out joint capacity-building, pilot demonstration and advocacy actions in order to achieve a change and unlock a potential for (especially) technology, products and services suppliers to make alternative energy sources in the SB area popular and therefore make the use of energy more sustainable and more adjusted to users’ needs. The most important goal of the project is a contribution to solving technical problems and popularisation of a decentralized (regional) energy conversion with simultaneous local consumption including transport of alternative fuel. The micro / nano scale use of the technological solutions in energy supply is a new approach to the applicability of (bio-)LNG with the much wider potential than relatively centralised big-scale investments systems. As a market in the initial phase it is characterised by low knowledge level by potential end-users and requires dissemination and demonstration activities to raise awareness of the target groups and thus, untapped its capitalisation potential for the SB companies. Therefore the WP2, WP3 and WP4 activities build one on the other and are directly linked either by using the produced outcomes for next project implementation steps or work simultaneously to achieve planned results.
Thus, WP3 works with the demand side to better understand the current and future user needs in the context of sustainable (bio-)LNG based energy supply for micro/nano solutions in a decentralised way. It will: (1) accumulate good practice how to make the use of (bio-)LNG technology attractive to policies and users; (2) gather stakeholders in the partner areas and help them agree on sustainable paths for the (bio-)LNG based systems, (3) collect target groups needs, and (4) work out a catalogue of solutions matching user expectations for sustainable and high quality products and services implementing (bio-)LNG based energy supply systems.
WP3 delivers necessary input to activities within WP4. WP4 deals with the supply side and designs/tests steering tools and operational models for (Bio-)LNG based energy supply systems in the micro/nano-scale. Based on benchmarked performance qualities of the current solutions in the partner areas, 4 interlinked and jointly developed by the PPs pilot cases (2 in PL, 1 in DE and 1 in LT) will attempt to develop/enhance the regional and cross-border products and services based on the micro/nano (bio-)LNG based solutions. They will be accompanied by a set of training and raising awareness actions addressed to the project target groups. The cases will be summed up to help replicate – in the whole SB area – measures to enhance the compatibility/integration of existing /new technical solutions across the borders and provide an attractive alternative to polluting and still used technology.
Pawel Warszycki
Executive Director
Hanseatic Institute for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
at the University of Rostock
Richard-Wagner-Straße 31, Haus 1
18119 Rostock
Follow the project
Pawel Warszycki
Executive Director
Hanseatic Institute for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
at the University of Rostock
Richard-Wagner-Straße 31, Haus 1
18119 Rostock
+49 (0) 381 498 5634
Follow the project