Liquid Energy
Conference 2023
Place: Pomeranian Science and Technology Park
81-451, Gdynia
Date: 14-15 June 2023
14 – 15 June 2023
The global LNG and bio-LNG energy landscape is changing
Nowadays the main activities of the LNG business focus on mega projects and big-scale LNG market and the comparatively diminutive market of micro- and nano-scale (bio-) LNG doesn’t get much attention. Even if there are many market players, this segment is generally not yet in the focus of the industry participants but taking into consideration a great potential of this market it should be. The companies approaching the micro-(bio-) LNG market e.g., in off-grid application, should be prepared to act quickly to benefit from first-mover advantage and prepare a complex strategy underpinned by the appropriate capacities, which include relevant technology and partnerships across the (bio-)LNG chain. Additionally, the policy should define not only dedicated incentives but also adjust regulations that often create barriers for innovative (non-) technological solutions. Thus, to unlock this market, the change of paradigm in thinking about target group (end-users), distribution channels and technical solutions is necessary.

Pomeranian Science and Technology Park
Aleja Zwycięstwa 96/98
81-451 Gdynia, Poland
14 – 15 June 2023

Tommy Lindström
Project Manager
Project Manager at the Energy agency for southeast Sweden. Coordinator of the regional Biogas network for southeast Sweden and member of the national working groups at the Swedish gas association. His current project is Interreg Baltic Sea project BEST ACE: Biogas-Established Sustainable Technology in A Circular Economy, which will elaborate business roadmaps for biomethane in the Baltic area.

Prof Grażyna Pazikowska-Sapota
Maritime Institute
Researcher with many years of experience in research for the protection of the natural environment, with particular emphasis on the marine environment. Currently lead partner of the Interreg South Baltic Programme project Liquefied (bio-)gas as a driving force for development and use of green energy technology (acronym Liquid Energy). The conducted research on anthropopressure indicators (POPs, trace metals) allowed her to use them to assess the quality of the Baltic bottom sediments (expert at the CEDA Environment Commission). Research for climate protection is a new challenge.

Nils Heine
Senior Lead Consultant Inwl Institute
Title of his presentation: Decentralised power and heating supply using smart office and building control systems.
That topic will be discussed by Senior Lead Consultant Inwl Institute for Sustainable Economy and Logistics.

Kai Andrich
Research Assistant, University of Rostock, Chair of Ship Structure
With experience in light weight construction projects, he played a supporting role in the Liquid Energy project with the University of Rostock. He contributed to the development of two pilot investments – a decentralised energy supply system and a mobile refuelling station, bringing both projects to fruition.

Przemysław Rajewski
Ph.D Second Engineer Officer, Association for Promotion Knowledge about Sea
Graduate of Gdansk University of Technology as Ph.D. From 1970 to 2020 employee of Maritime University of Szczecin as Academic Teacher. In 1996 – 2002 and 2008-2012 Deputy Rector for Education. Maritime experience, successively in the positions of motorman, officer watch engineer, chief engineer on ships of Polish and foreign shipowners.

Paweł Warszycki
Executive Director, Hanseatic Institute for Entrepreneurship and Regional Development at the University of Rostock
Graduate of Gdansk University of Technology as Ph.D. From 1970 to 2020 employee of Maritime University of Szczecin as Academic Teacher. In 1996 – 2002 and 2008-2012 Deputy Rector for Education. Maritime experience, successively in the positions of motorman, officer watch engineer, chief engineer on ships of Polish and foreign shipowners.

Mindaugas Protas
Project Manager, Amber Grid, Lithuania
Renewable energy expert with specialization in renewable gas market development, guarantees of origin and certification systems, participating in several international associations and renewable gas market development projects such as REGATRACE. Mindaugas is a renewable energy project manager in Amber Grid, the operator of the Lithuanian natural gas transmission system, responsible for the transmission of natural gas to consumers and the operation, maintenance, and development of infrastructure.

Michael Oluwagbemi
Member of the Managemet Board, Rural Electrification Agency, Nigeria
Co-founder & Executive Partner at LoftyInc Allied Partners Limited. Seats on the governing board of the Rural Electrification Agency of Nigeria. Has served as the Chairman of the Essential Services SWG of the Nigeria Content Consultative Forum, and organ of the Nigeria Content Development Monitoring Board of the Federal Ministry of Petroleum in Nigeria since 2014.

Terje Hyldmo
Manager, Commercial & Business Development, Biokraft, Norway
Terje Hyldmo id a former business lawyer that participate in the development and operation of Europe’s biggest production facility of Bio-LNG.
He focuses on the development of new biogas plants based on regional raw materials but with a global market.

Algirdas Čebatorius
Sales Director Emerging Industries, Poland, Baltics & Ukraine
Algirdas is an engineer and sales director with 15+ years of experience in providing solutions for Oil and Gas industry to increase efficiency and minimize sectors environment footprint. During his career Algirdas was involved in most of critical natural gas and LNG infrastructure projects as well as biogas, providing accounting, injection and upgrading solutions for the biogas industry.

Barbara Izilein
CEO of the Rural Electrification Agency, Nigeria
Barbara Izilein has a proven track record working as an Infrastructure Fund / Investment Manager and PPP Professional for over 15 years. Gained significant experience working on PPP Projects direct investment deals, private eqity deals, high-impact transactions and setting up and managing sector-focused funds.

Marcin Przywarty
Assistant professor, Maritime University of Szczecin, Faculty of Navigation, Department of Marine Traffic Engineering
With experience in navigation and maritime traffic engineering. Partner in Interreg South Baltic project “Martech LNG”. Took pivotal role in LNG competence center established within Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Go LNG”.

Stefan Jankowski
Assistant professor, Maritime University of Szczecin, Faculty of Navigation, Department of Maritime Simulation
With experience in navigation and maritime traffic engineering. Partner in Interreg South Baltic project “Martech LNG”. Took pivotal role in LNG competence center established within Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Go LNG”.

Media partner
Biomasa Magazine
Since 2014, the Biomasa magazine has been popularizing topics related to renewable energy sources, focusing on the biogas, pellet and biomass industries. In addition to printed editions, Biomasa is also present online at The publishing activity is complemented by the organization of conferences and workshops.

Strategic partner
Polish LNG and Bio-LNG Platform
The Polish LNG and bio-LNG Platform as an association of companies was established to promote LNG and bio-LNG as modern and cleaner fuels in road, sea, and rail transport, as well as fuels for cogeneration and other industrial applications. By creating a base of industry competences and supporting cooperation between the economy, science and administration, the platform works to develop the LNG market in Poland and support the transition to a low- and zero-emission economy and transport. Overall, the efforts of the Polish LNG and Bio-LNG Platform are in line with the objectives of promoting sustainable energy solutions and fostering cooperation between various stakeholders. By creating a favourable environment for the development of the LNG and bio-LNG industry, the organization contributes to Poland’s energy transformation and creates a framework for international cooperation.