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Cryoworld was founded by a group of skilled cryogenic engineers in early 2012. Engineering and manufacturing work as a team to reach the optimal end result. Products like the phase separator, subcooler or the vacuum insulated piping are designed for a very long lifetime with minimal energy consumption. The vacuum insulation techniques they apply belong to the most efficient possible. They are active on all markets demanding any form of cryogenic media, but focus strongly on Hydrogen and nuclear fusion projects.
Cryoworld was founded by a group of skilled cryogenic engineers in early 2012. Engineering and manufacturing work as a team to reach the optimal end result. Products like the phase separator, subcooler or the vacuum insulated piping are designed for a very long lifetime with minimal energy consumption. The vacuum insulation techniques they apply belong to the most efficient possible. They are active on all markets demanding any form of cryogenic media, but focus strongly on Hydrogen and nuclear fusion projects.
Products & Solutions
Products & Solutions