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The company markets its products world-wide and has settled sales partners in various countries. Besides the production of more than 200 different Dewar vessels and cryo-vessels made of glas or metal for liquid gases and other cooling agents, cold traps made of glas and metal, the enterprise manufactures additionally low-temperature cooling systems for temperatures reaching from + 100°C to - 180° C, more than 360 different reaction vessels made of glass, vacuum-insulated columns as well as heat protection devices for data measuring logs for a temperature range of - 100° C to + 300° C. Apart from the fabrication of serial products, the enterprise owns a glass blowing workshop for the production of customer specific vessels and glass parts constructed in single units.
The company markets its products world-wide and has settled sales partners in various countries. Besides the production of more than 200 different Dewar vessels and cryo-vessels made of glas or metal for liquid gases and other cooling agents, cold traps made of glas and metal, the enterprise manufactures additionally low-temperature cooling systems for temperatures reaching from + 100°C to - 180° C, more than 360 different reaction vessels made of glass, vacuum-insulated columns as well as heat protection devices for data measuring logs for a temperature range of - 100° C to + 300° C. Apart from the fabrication of serial products, the enterprise owns a glass blowing workshop for the production of customer specific vessels and glass parts constructed in single units.
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